White Label Travel Portal
Dublin, Ohio, United States

The tourism potential in Namibia is estimated to be at $ 1.1 billion US dollars. That’s why many travel agencies have begun to start travel agency business in Africa for Namibian tourism. Over the recent years, improvements in the country’s infrastructure have led to the rise. For long Namibia relied on agriculture, mineral resource extraction, and fishing to grow its economy. Now tourism is also being projected as an important economic contributor.
The Namibian government has unveiled Vision 2030 in this regard. The tourism sector’s development is seen as a key driver to the country’s success. Many people from the west are comfortable touring Namibia because a majority of people speak English in this country. The government is also educating travel agencies on how to start travel agency business in Africa.
Compared to other African countries, a higher percentage of people speaking English provide many benefits to tourists. Therefore, it is convenient to start international travel agency business in Africa for Namibian tourist market. Even though several other languages are spoken, such as German and Afrikaans, English is the language of choice. Road signs and navigational items are all in English.
How can a travel portal solution help travel agencies get business?
Namibia is blessed with naturalistic wonders that make the decision to start travel agency business online in Africa for Namibian travelers a promising one. People from near and far visit the country for several reasons. Some of them are namely, bird sanctuaries, camping, desert safaris, wildlife, culture tours, hiking, and beer tourism.
A travel portal solution can provide booking services
- Travelers want to experience various aspects of Namibia. There could be various service providers offering various travel services. The way how to start travel business online in Africa for Namibian tourists is to connect services providers with travelers. It can be done via integrations. Travelers can choose from various service providers. Rates, locations, logistics, and several other travel related information exchanges can also happen via an online medium.
- A travel agency can provide booking services for flights, car rentals, accommodations, tours, leisure experiences, and any travel related sojourn. This is the way to start travel business from home in Africa by providing travelers easy automated solutions.
- Travelers should be able to booking flights from their respective countries to come to Namibia. Trip Mega Mart can build all this functionality at low cost to start online travel agency business in Africa. Travelers should also be able to travel to other African countries from Namibia. The travel portal should facilitate this.
Travel solution to organize niche travels
- One of the Ideas to start online travel agency business in Africa is to provide Trip Mega Mart travel solutions for niche travelers. Beer tourism is a popular niche travel activity in Namibia. Brewing is considered as one of the Namibia’s strong points.
- The origins of this culture were started by the Germans. They were occupants of Namibia until 1915. The oldest brewery was established in 1900 in Namibia. Presently, there are numerous breweries across this country. Tourists visit these breweries to sample beer. Travel agencies can tap into the multitude of Trip Mega Mart benefits of white label travel portal in Africa to provide high quality services for travelers.
- Travel franchisee opportunities in Africa can focus solely on niche travels. A travel portal can organize such niche travels. People from other countries might want to engage only in this type of travel. So the travel agency should provide an automated online solution for this.
- Travelers can make their bookings, setup appointments at the brewery, and then make arrangements for the visit. This is a great idea for travel start-up opportunities in Africa who generally have better access to technologies such as Trip Mega Mart B2B White Label Travel Portal Development in Africa and B2C White Label Travel Portal Development in Africa.
A portal to organize hiking trails
- It is not uncommon to hear many travelers wanting to visit Fish River Canyon time and again. This is one of the well-known hiking trails out of the numerous hiking trails. Hiking is considered a fulfilling experience in Namibia. Travel agencies can use Travel Portal Development in Africa by Trip Mega Mart to help such tourists manage their tours.
- But there is no proper technological infrastructure to enable travelers to easily book these services. Trip Mega Mart White Label Travel Portal Development in Africa can be used by travel agencies to provide portal based solutions for travelers.
An automated solution such as a web portal or mobile app by Trip Mega Mart B2B2C White Label Travel Portal Development in Africa can help tourists manage their hiking tours. They can enjoy outdoor expedition, nature trails, camping, and several such moderately adventurous activities without a hitch.